What were the Top 10 best selling games in March 2013 in the United States? I guess you could say BioShock Infinite can do a little happy dance! 
The newest NPD numbers are in, and so are the top lists of the highest selling game systems and games for March in America.
- 1. BioShock Infinite (360, PS3, PC)** Take 2 Interactive — Sold at least 750,000 Units.
2. Tomb Raider 2013 (360, PS3)** Square Enix Inc – Sold a franchise high.
3. Gears of War: Judgement (360) Microsoft
4. God of War: Ascension (PS3)** Sony
5. Call of Duty: Black Ops II (360, PS3, PC, Wii U)** Activision Blizzard
6. Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon (3DS) Nintendo — Sold 365,000 at retail + 50,000 digital.
7. MLB 13: The Show (PS3, PS Vita) Sony
8. NBA 2K13 (360, PS3, Wii, Wii U, PSP, PC)** Take 2 Interactive
9. The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct (360, PS3, Wii U) Activision Blizzard
10. Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 (360, PS3) Namco Bandai Games
** Includes CE, GOTY editions, bundles, etc. but not those bundled with hardware. Physical retail copies only.
The multiplatform BioShock Infinite release was a major success for the critically acclaimed series! Here’s the TV commercial set to Nico Vega’s “Beast” music:
System Sales in March 2013:
- 1. Xbox 360 — Sold 261,000 Units. (-29.6%)
2. PlayStation 3
3. Nintendo 3DS
4. Nintendo Wii U
* Based on previous months, the unknown sales of the other systems likely stack up to the 3DS, Wii and DS selling similar to the Wii U, with the PS Vita and PSP selling the least.
More and more gamers are getting connected through Xbox Live and using Xbox 360 for both gaming and as a multimedia box. In this video singer Selena Gomez talks about why she loves entertainment on Xbox Live.
Analysis of the game and hardware sales numbers:
Although NPD doesn’t by far track all digital sales, retail still gives a good impression of last month’s bestselling video games.
To quote NPD industry analyst Liam Callahan…
About hardware he said: “March 2013 saw deep declines of 32% in dollar spending for dedicated video game hardware, with stronger declines for portable hardware than for consoles. However, sales for the Nintendo 3DS grew 9% over last March. In March 2013, the Xbox 360 had the highest hardware unit sales for the 20th month in a row.”
About games he said: “Two strong launches for the month included Tomb Raider and BioShock Infinite, which were the highest first month sales for games in these franchises. With solid performances of new games like Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity, and Monster Hunter Ultimate 3 [on 3DS].”
[SKU = Stock Keeping Unit. In other words: each game sold.]
Via NeoGAF
Read more: http://www.videogamesblogger.com/2013/04/19/top-10-best-selling-games-of-march-2013-usa.htm#ixzz2SFrLid3c
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