Friday, 3 May 2013


#1 The First Moon Landing was Staged: It was truly an unbelievable feat when the United States managed to land on the moon for the first time in history. It was so unbelievable that many skeptics of the first moon landing believe that it never really happened in the first place. Many conspiracy theorists have stated that the first moon landing was staged in a studio and that Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin never traveled to space.

#2 Assassination of John F. Kennedy: The assassination of John F. Kennedy has long been one of the most talked about conspiracies in the world. In a poll taken by the Washington Journal, over 50 percent believed that a broader conspiracy was at work while only 25 percent believed Oswald to be the lone killer.

#3 Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq: While initially thought to protect our nation from a serious potential threat, former United States president George W. Bush’s deception about the alleged “weapons of mass destruction,” in Iraq has since been held as a conspiracy to broaden the U.S. influence in the Middle East. Since the war began, there has been no solid evidence of any nuclear weaponry in the country.

#4 Global Warming: Being one of the most discussed issues in a progressing polluted world, the topic of global warming has been held in great regard by many conspiracy theorists. Critics of global warming believe that the phenomenon is just a hoax by the government to encourage the purchasing of more modern and expensive automobiles.

#5 U.S. Government Involvement in 9/11 Attack: While the tragedy that struck our nation on 9/11 is undeniable, the way in which the attack on our country occurred has been subject to conspiracy theories. There are those who insist the U.S. had some type of involvement in the attack on their own soil. Taking it one step further, there are a select few who believe the U.S. government planned the attack to push the country to war and increase the weapons business.

#6 Link Between Vaccines and Autism: A link between autism and vaccinations has been placed as there is slight correlation between those who receive vaccinations and those who are autistic. While the majority of doctors agree that vaccines in no way cause autism, many conspiracy theorists disagree and say the relation between the two is undeniable.

#7 Roswell UFO: The legendary UFO recovered in Roswell, New Mexico back in 1947 has been one of the most popular conspiracy theories in the world among sci-fi lovers. While the U.S. military claims that it solely recovered a top secret research balloon, others believe a massive cover-up took place concerning alien life on Earth.

#8 Subliminal Advertising: Watching a commercial and randomly get a hankering for the latest treat? Ever since the development of televisions were made, subliminal advertising has always played into conspiracy theories. The messages allegedly promote a product subconsciously through repeated imagery or sound.

#9 Bermuda Triangle: Known as the point of no return, the Bermuda Triangle sits at Bermuda and Puerto Rico. Many vessels have been lost in the region and it has become a historic topic and one of the most talked about conspiracy theories of all time.

#10 Secretive World Power Elite: Many liberal conspiracy theorists in the world believe that the world is secretly coming to an end as the world power elite are taking advantage of their high positions in society and their wealth. While none of the theories have been even close to confirmed, the big paychecks the CEO’s and the CFO’s receive annually make up most of the average employees salaries and have allegedly been used to slowly manipulate world events such as governmental elections.

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